Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Long Time No Post

Mood: Blah! :/

I haven't posted much because I've been busy with school and such... School is OK, I'm just not working as fast as they'd like me to. There's a meeting with some people from school this Friday and the thought of it is making me sick to my stomach. I don't know what to think about it.

It's not that I'm having trouble with the lesson's, I can figure them out on my own, it's just taking me a while to understand what they're trying to teach me and it takes a while to get the info i read and the questions their asking to actually click.

So I'm not sure if i brought this up before but i took and got a ball jointed doll in June or July. Her name is Kita and she's a 27 cm obitsu with a rooted head with brown hair. I love her to death even though i kind of screwed up her face-up. I'm now in the process of saving up money to buy a bobobie Mai. He's 43 cm (MSD size) and he's got a awesome face. He'll be my second doll, but he'll be my first actual resin doll.

I know I'm driving my family nuts talking about him because I'm all; "New doll this, new doll that, when i get my new doll should i (Fill in random wig/clothes/shoe thing)" I mean I'm even getting on my nerves but I'm so excited, the only thing that sucks is the fact that the doll is like 155 plus shipping and i have barely a dollar in change saved up. *sigh* Oh well, he's worth it.

I really need to start thinking of names, but when i do its like i find a name i like, it sticks for a while, and then i hate the name. I want to call him something other than "the doll" or "the mai doll" it just seems weird.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Dramatic Birthday

Mood: Annoyed (-.-)

So its been two days since my birthday and allots happened. So far i got a card from mom, mike and aunt jen. Gram made me a awesome cake.  Mom broke up with her boyfriend, took him back, and now hes gone again. I went for tutoring on wendnesday which was a joke. I waited for a half hour for the teacher and such, plus we played musical class rooms trying to find wifi. Grams yelling at me cuz i've been staying in my room again...i went to the tore with mom and got a few things  for dinner. School's been going good, i cant wait to start my japanese class and digital video production!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Computer!

 Mood: Sick (T-T)

So i got my new computer but my old school decided to unroll me in the middle of the school day without telling me anything. That was completely stupid. I'm thinking of adding video posts now and then but i don't know yet. One of my FIVE brothers are staying over and things are going pretty good. He's been a huge help since me and gram have been sick. It's hard being the only girl but I'm glad that i have two brothers close to my age. Me and my big brother hardly talk but its because he's away at collage and I'm hardly ever on face book. Matthews third youngest in the line up and he's one of my best friends. There's only a 3-4 year difference between us, thank god. I don't think i could handle another really young brother, I love my brothers to death but some times they're annoying as hell. I guess thats family though.

I've pretty much tricked out my laptop, including file transfers. Its harder to keep all my sites and stuff hidden though. School's don't think teenagers can figure stuff out but give me a tech problem or something, it make take me a while, but I'll find a way around it. I'm supposed to log into the system and get some basic computer lessons done but i can't figure out what the user name or password is. They were supposed to give me one but no such luck. I'll have to call the school Monday and see what it is.  I can hot wire a computer to a wireless router, i can find a proxy to unlock computery goodness, but i cant figure out a password or user name... that is sad.

I was shocked when i turned on the computer to find gimp on it! Now i don't have to use gimp portable! Yay! And i got windows 7 on the laptop, another plus! Well i guess that's it for now.



Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Post! Ah!

     So this is my first post on my lovely little blog. So I guess I should explain what my blog is about shouldn't I? Well, my blog is a online diary type thing I guess. I doubt anyone will read it but this is simply a place for me to write and vent and such. So here we go!

Mood:(>.<) Nervous!

     So I'm pretty nervous right now. I'm supposed to be starting a new school today, actually it was supposed to start on Monday but yeah my current school is being very stupid. I've had writers block for MONTHS now and I'm finally over it. I should be getting a laptop soon so I'll be able to blog all over the place! Though I'm kind of scared that I might not have internet access on the the laptop from the new school, though it's a really poor school so I don't think they'd have enough money to hire some one to create a program for them. Lesson's at my current school are really boring and I have 0 electives so hopefully things will get better!
     Well that's pretty much it for now. I'll have to post more tomorrow, I really need to finish my lessons!
