Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Long Time No Post

Mood: Blah! :/

I haven't posted much because I've been busy with school and such... School is OK, I'm just not working as fast as they'd like me to. There's a meeting with some people from school this Friday and the thought of it is making me sick to my stomach. I don't know what to think about it.

It's not that I'm having trouble with the lesson's, I can figure them out on my own, it's just taking me a while to understand what they're trying to teach me and it takes a while to get the info i read and the questions their asking to actually click.

So I'm not sure if i brought this up before but i took and got a ball jointed doll in June or July. Her name is Kita and she's a 27 cm obitsu with a rooted head with brown hair. I love her to death even though i kind of screwed up her face-up. I'm now in the process of saving up money to buy a bobobie Mai. He's 43 cm (MSD size) and he's got a awesome face. He'll be my second doll, but he'll be my first actual resin doll.

I know I'm driving my family nuts talking about him because I'm all; "New doll this, new doll that, when i get my new doll should i (Fill in random wig/clothes/shoe thing)" I mean I'm even getting on my nerves but I'm so excited, the only thing that sucks is the fact that the doll is like 155 plus shipping and i have barely a dollar in change saved up. *sigh* Oh well, he's worth it.

I really need to start thinking of names, but when i do its like i find a name i like, it sticks for a while, and then i hate the name. I want to call him something other than "the doll" or "the mai doll" it just seems weird.

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